I bought this one from a local collector. He had bought it to gain familiarity with Gottlieb System 80's. He found all the pitfalls of working on System 80's and threw in the towel.
I followed Clay's guide to the letter. Ground mods, pop bumper driver mods, additional fuse holders, re-pinning connectors, etc. The works. Doing this made things pretty solid.
I followed that with a complete shop job of rubber, posts, lamps, rebuilds where necessary, and some cabinet touch ups.
There are 2 lighting mods. I always found the upper main playfield dark. I added 8 Light up post kits, to light the entrances to the cellar, and the attic ramp.
The other mod was to add a few LED's to the backglass chasers for the lightning. All LED's does not work, as the green of the backglass turns bluish. But one out of 3 adds highlights and different brightness levels.
The game is not a long term keeper. but its here for now.